Environmental Policy
Burren Nature Sanctuary Responsible Tourism Environmental Policy
We are 100% committed to:
- environmental good practice and related principles
- monitoring and measuring our impacts
- cooperating with others to ensure social and environmental benefits for local communities visitors and the region itself
It is our policy to meet targets in our responsible tourism plan
In 2023 we had had per person targets to:
- increase recyclable waste by 10%
- reduce energy by 10%- Solar installation grant applied for with help from Burren Ecotourism Network
- reduce treated water consumption by 10% Rainwater harvesting system adjusted for greater efficiency
- increase green purchasing by 10% and add locally made stock to the gift shop
- increase the use of sustainable transport by 10% Electric vehicle purchased and electric charging point to be installed in 2024
We Are Proud To Be Member Of

Visitor Numbers:
We will continue our own attempts at water conservation in the kitchen.
We reduced our kitchen offering in 2023 leading to near zero waste system of baking half frozen goods as needed. Unsold baked goods were taken home by staff or late customers.
Our insulation is very effective. All bulbs that can be replaced with LED bulbs have been. We use more cold water to rinse in the wash up. We understand climate change issues and are committed to addressing climate change by reaching our targets. Over the winter of 2022 we planted 1000 native trees donated by Rainforest Nation to offset carbon usage.
Contribution to Conservation:
We have 25 acres of undisturbed nature sanctuary and a sustainable collection of Burren flora in the Burren Botany Bubble. We won 'Best Nature Attraction ROI 2023' from the European travel awards for our efforts in conservation engagement and awareness.
Guiding and interpretation:

The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark In 2011 the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher gained Global Geopark status, already spectacular neighbours, their coming together formed a destination of natural wonders. Making up over 530 square kilometres the Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark offers diversity that is second to none. This rich and alluring landscape of staggering sea cliffs, limestone karst terraces, fertile valleys, vibrant villages and welcoming communities offers some truly inspiring experiences. The Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark not only has outstanding natural and culture heritage but a management organisation that supports its people and organisations to work together to ensure a cared-for landscape, a better-understood heritage, more sustainable tourism, a vibrant community and strengthened |
livelihoods. |
About the Burren Ecotourism Network (B.E.N.)
The Burren Ecotourism Network (the B.E.N.) is a membership organisation embedded in a sustainable tourism ethos. It was formally established in 2011. Its purpose is to:
- connect tourism enterprises in the Burren region and enable them to work together to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits, both for themselves and for their communities;
- provide members with training, networking, marketing, business development and partnership opportunities;
- enable members to make an active contribution to the conservation of the region’s natural and cultural heritage.
The B.E.N. mission is to contribute to transforming the Burren region into a truly sustainable destination by being a thought-leader and advocate and by providing learning, development and business opportunities to tourism enterprises.
B.E.N. is a network of tourism businesses with the objective of establishing the Burren as a premier internationally-recognised sustainable tourism region ensuring the future economic and social growth and sustainable development of its communities, environment and heritage. It seeks to support continued training, mentoring and accreditation in sustainable tourism for its members and for businesses interested in joining the Network.
The Burren Ecotourism Network and the management organisation of the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark enjoy a special relationship. Both organisations are committed to the promotion of responsible tourism that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. Having agreed in late 2012 to pool their resources in pursuit of their common objective, they work together to promote ‘The Burren & Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark’ as a leading sustainable visitor destination, celebrated for high standards in visitor experience, conservation and learning,